Features and Benefits of Double Glazed Windows


The windows of your home allow you to see what is going on around you, but they can also make your heating and cooling system work harder. A contractor who specializes in window replacement can replace your single-paned windows with double glazed windows to combat this problem.


Double glazed windows have two panes of glass that are separated by a pocket of air or gas. The whole apparatus is then sealed to prevent condensation between the panes. The glass is also coated with a special glaze that repels hot air and warms cold air. The gas between the panes is often an inert gas such as argon that, because of its higher density, provides better insulation than regular air.


The coating on the glass of double glazed windows keeps outside temperatures from permeating your home. Window replacement specialists who conduct business in colder climates use glass with high solar gain to prevent heat loss. In areas with very hot summers, glass with low solar gain is preferable because it provides the best UV protection.


The primary benefit of double glazed windows is increased energy efficiency of your home. When your windows are well insulated, the heater or air conditioner does not have to click on as often to maintain a comfortable interior temperature. This lowers your utility costs, so the windows may eventually save you the money you spent on them.


Double glazed windows also improve security because they are less tamper-resistant and include a double layer of protection. The extra layer also reduces the noise you hear from outside. These benefits add value to your home, which is beneficial when it is time to sell.


The next time you need window replacement, consider discussing the benefits of double glazed windows with your contractor. Their superior construction can protect the inside of your home from the elements, noise and intruders.