Why Installing New Gutters Isn’t As Easy As it Might Seem


Attention do-it-yourselfers: When it comes to roof gutters, don’t try this at home. This is a complex job that could damage your roof if done improperly. Aside from having to replace the roof, water damage underneath it could cost you thousands of dollars in interior home repair bills. It’s not worth the risk. Here are common mistakes people make with gutter installation.


If you purchase the wrong gutter size, you’re in for a world of frustration. Roof gutters are not one-size-fits-all. They are also not uniform in their material. Manufacturers produce gutters from a variety of metals in different gauges. You need to find the right size and material for your roof, which includes the most durable gauge your roof can handle and the best size for your existing shingles. Common gutters include 32-gauge aluminum ones.


Once you’ve determined the material, pitch is next. What is pitch? It’s the angle at which the gutters are hung to ensure water flows down them rather than pools in them. If your gutters don’t drain, you again risk roof damage as well as a horrible, rancid mess every spring and fall. Gutter installation must be done properly to ensure the pitch is such that water runs out of them yet no one notices the angle. Mounting them at a proper pitch is a struggle.


Speaking of mounting the gutters, you must also make certain you have the proper hanging system for your roof. Using the wrong brackets will cause the gutters to sag and water to accumulate in places it should not. Your gutter must be hung so that it is a streamlined extension of your roof, as this is the only way to ensure it does its job properly. Finding the correct location and using the right materials to hang the gutters can stump homeowners.


A roof replacement should not be in your future. Make certain you leave gutter installation to the professionals. This is the only way to ensure the job is done right.